Take full advantage of the simulator today

More space, more joy

Golf simulators

What separates a good golfer from a VERY good golfer? It’s about constantly “going the extra mile”, analyzing your game, asking questions and looking for answers, love for nuances, little things and details, patience and… the ability to train all year round.

All this can be provided by the golf simulators at the European Center Golf Club Indoor Golf & Sports Lounge. Practice here even in the cold months of the year when the golf courses are still waiting for spring to come, analyze your game data and IMPROVE!

We wish you a good game!


Indoor Golf&Lounge space is an ideal place for unique entertainment. Celebrate personal and corporate holidays, organize events, get away from everyday life alone or with company at any time of the day – even without an occasion. Golf simulators allow you to take on the role of a real golfer and experience what it means to play on one of the most beautiful golf courses in the world, even in the middle of winter. If you are bored with the cinema, bowling or other usual entertainment, golf simulators will become a new charge of good emotions.

GC3 simulator

With the GC3, play on beautiful golf courses or practice on exclusive, unique driving ranges, such as in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The simulator provides the player with a lot of data: from the most basic, most relevant to precise nuances – all this especially helps to improve.

GCQuad simulator

GCQuad collects golf club data points with incredible accuracy so you can analyze your golf equipment and spot swing corrections.

GCHawk simulator

Thanks to its huge ball-catching range, the GCHawk allows both right-handed and left-handed players to play simultaneously. Like the GC3 and GCQuad, the GCHawk captures the flight of the ball, so it detects the strongest to the shortest golf shots for a realistic playing experience. Thanks to its advanced object tracking capabilities, GCHawk not only provides a realistic view of the golf game, but also opens the door to multi-sport games.


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